What to Expect at Your First Appointment

At Calm Space Psychology Services, we place your well-being at the forefront of our care. The initial appointment, often referred to as the intake process, plays a pivotal role in tailoring our support to meet your unique needs. Here's what to expect and why it holds significance:

Step 1: Warm Welcome & Introductions

Upon arrival, you will experience our Calm Space, where your comfort is our priority from the beginning. Your therapist will extend a warm introduction, emphasising the importance of confidentiality and privacy. This sets the stage for a secure and open space where you can freely share your thoughts and concerns.

Step 2: Thorough Assessment/Intake

Through thoughtful inquiries, we will delve into your background, history, and the specific concerns you are facing. This comprehensive assessment forms the cornerstone for crafting a personalised treatment plan that is uniquely tailored to your needs.

Child/Adolescent Clients

For our younger clients, the involvement of parents or guardians is crucial. In certain cases, the intake process may involve only the parent or guardian to gain valuable insights into the child's development and behaviors.

*If you have any parenting or court orders in place, we kindly request that you provide a copy of them prior to your initial appointment. This information will help us better understand your circumstances and provide you and your child/adolescent with the most appropriate support.

Step 3: Collaborative Planning

Together, we will explore therapy options, define your goals, and outline the path that lies ahead. This collaborative approach ensures that your unique needs remain at the forefront of our therapeutic journey. 

Step 4: Open Dialogue

Questions, concerns, and preferences are encouraged. This is your opportunity to voice what matters most to you, fostering an environment of open communication.

Step 5: Empowerment

As you leave your initial appointment, you will be equipped with a thoughtfully designed, tailored plan that is specifically aimed at addressing your individual circumstances and goals for therapy.

Our comprehensive intake process is firmly grounded in evidence-based practices, serving as the foundation for effective therapy. It empowers us to provide you with the personalised care that you rightfully deserve, ensuring that your mental health journey is as unique as you are.

If you are ready to take this step towards well-being, please do not hesitate to get in touch and schedule your first appointment. 

Your mental health is important to us, and we are committed to supporting you every step of the way.